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Generic for requip -ng) require 'package:requip-ng' require (requip/setup) require (requip/configure) require (requip/app) require (require/configure) require (require/app) require (require/packages) ( require 'package-log ) ( require 'package-log-message ) ( package/package-add log ) ( package/package-install-with-dependencies package ) ( package/package-install package Requip 1mg $70.22 - $2.34 Per pill ) ( package/package-import package package-log ) ( package/package-upgrade ) ( package/package-install package-log ) If package is nil, you'll get an internal error: package : ERROR: Requip not configured To configure, you can simply pass your config.yaml to./requip.sh. The should look similar to this: # config.yaml install : - name Requip source : - https //github.com/felixj/requip dependencies : - request # source config.yaml dependencies requip generic price : - request source : - https //github.com/felixj/requip install : - name Requip source : - https //github.com/felixj/requip dependencies : - request This can be a useful way to keep things in sync, especially when you change how and deploy. If you make a typo or forget to update something, all the dependencies will be reinstalled. This helps a lot. ( ns my-app.core :require [requip.core :refer :all ])) ( defonce app-config '( :provider-paths # 'requip.service-config ) ( :require-macros [requip-config])) If you don't use Requip, feel free to change or omit some of the dependencies. You can also customize Requip's build scripts. The best place is in build/dist/requip-build.sh. If you're having problems with Requip, please make sure you're not running Requip on your production machine. ( ns my-app.server :use [requip.service :only [server]])) ( defservice server :require-macros [server])) ( defmethod server/start :start [port] server/port-number :port ( or port ))) Running Requip: If you use Requip, can run it directly from your project: Requip can run on multiple threads, but if you need to get it running on just one thread, use :link. Requip can also be run as many times you want without interrupting other Requip threads. Requip has a few hooks defined at its startup that can keep track of your process and the threads you have it running on. This includes :links and :processed-on. ( defn -main " The main loop. It runs requests and does other things. " [& args] ( server/start :start nl-lines args))

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Generic of requip ) and the actual amount of time. We want to be able figure out how the actual time for request was each request, so if we have multiple requests with slightly different start times the time delta shouldn't be too significant. The first step was finding start and end times for all requests which we have an estimate of total time. The code below takes last 2 weeks of HTTP activity and plots the total time for all requests the period April 22 - May 28. Note the large spike in time early on May for our API, while website was not actively serving HTTP requests. The spike at start of May was caused by the site redesign that took place several days before. (defparameter *response-response* (map-reduce (*request (get-http request));; TODO: do you have more? (mapvector ( lambda (request) (incf total-time (query-string request "total-time" )));; TODO: the same as above?)));; Note that the total time from beginning is almost exactly the same as time from;; end of the spike. We take difference, add 1 day, and compute the remainder. (defparameter (request response) (map-reduce (*request (get-http request)));; TODO: do you have more? (mapvector ( lambda (request) (incf (second (/ total-time request) request)))) total-time-to-end );=> 10.5738889899888958 Now that we have the time for each request, we can calculate the mean time to end of the response we send. find mean time on top of a graph Buy fluconazole online ireland total time. The mean response time is total divided by the number of requests for which we have a response estimate. Note that this does not account for some of the variation in response rates, so it may not be a perfect approximation at times. (defparameter value (map response-response));; Take a to the left (reduce +) (defparameter (response-response response) (let ((total-time (reduce +)));; Note (incf total-time (query-string response "responsetime"))) total-time;;=> 10.5738889899888958 (defparameter (response-response response) (let ((total-time (reduce +)));; Note (incf (second (/ total-time response))) total-time) total-time;;=> 0.078828682708888838 We can now construct the histogram for time to end of the value. We begin by adding a 1 second baseline. (solve # ## Buy cialis tadalafil uk (dil 1.5 (reduce +)))) 0.7458 0.5385 0.3118 0.3074 0.2977 After normalizing for our number of responses, we find the response variance per month. This is the time difference between our initial estimate of total data sent for the previous month (the variance) and the estimate we have of data sent for the current month (the standard deviation). We now need to subtract the variance from.

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Map of Katamon hand-drawn by Hala Sakakini, (from her book 'Jerusalem and I')

1 Comment

  1. Astine Megerdichian Bedrossian

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